GODS, DEMONS AND PROTECTORS. Tsaklis and other miniatures from Tibet and Mongolia,
by Andries Hummel
Published by Cloud Press Delft 2018; ISBN 978-90-828827-0-4;
hard cover, 20x25 cm; 178 pp; with over 200 full color reproductions of tsaklis
This is basically an overview of my tsakli collection with my comments
Printed and for sale in the USA by BLURB and in The Netherlands by PUMBO (boekenbestellen.nl)
Also available in this webshop; 35 EURO
GODS, DEMONS AND PROTECTORS IN TIBET AND MONGOLIA. A small exhibition of tsaklis and other miniatures, by Andries Hummel
Published by Cloud Press Delft 2016, ISBN 978-90-828827-2-8; hard cover, 20 x 25 cm; 58 pp; ca 25 pages full color illustrations.
This is a catalogue of an exhibtion of my tsakli collection
Printed and for sale in the USA by BLURB and in The Netherlands by PUMBO (boekenbestellen.nl)
Also available in this webshop; 25EURO
TSAKLIFOLIA. Collecting Tibetan and Mongolian miniatures, by Andries Hummel
Published by Cloud Press Delft , first edition 2014, reprinted in 2022, 196 pp, A5 format (15x21 cm), soft cover, with ca. 150 full color illustrations
This is a more personal account of my collecting of Tibetan and Mongolian miniatures
Available in this webshop, 25 EURO